Saturday, 4 April 2020

Day 17

Day 17 and welcome to the weekend!

This was supposed to be a busy weekend. Today I was booked in to have some new Disney ink with my favourite tattoist Saint Heywood at Acadia Tattoo and tomorrow I was to be out for lunch with some old work colleagues from my banking days.

So instead of being out and about and catching up with friends I will be staying home and staying safe.

Today has been quite a chilled out kind of day. I was able to jump onto my online shopping and add some extra bits ready to collect early next week. My supermarket of choice is now limiting its customers to only amend their shop in the 2 days prior to collection and with a strictly worded message telling shoppers we should only amend once and only if its urgent!! Really hoping over the coming weeks this all starts to calm down and the supermarkets come up with solutions to the obvious demand.

Managed to complete my jigsaw with relative ease, quite nice to do a simple straight forward puzzle as the next one I think may take a bit longer.

We took our usual walk out this afternoon which took us via my dad's house so that we could see him and chat through his living room window and then we had a little stop at his local corner shop where I was able to buy some wine, chocolate, HP sauce and finally some tinned tomatoes!! You know the important stuff!

Without wanting to repeat myself these are peculiar times that we are living through and we all need to be prepared for this going on for a fair while yet. Earlier today whilst outside a couple of my neighbours were talking over a garden wall, the next thing I see is them both stood next to each other chatting away as they would have done in normal circumstances - really?!! One then came over to me and started chatting, which was lovely, but I made sure I put myself the other side of my car on purpose so that she couldn't get any closer; why are people not taking this seriously? Just because I know you and see you most days doesn't mean we can get up close and personal, just keep your distance. I'm not being rude I'm just being safe and trying to do my bit to help all of us.


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