Friday 30 July 2021

Day 499

Day 499...

Well we have had a Friday and my focus pretty much all day has been pre-school work.

We are members of the Early Years Alliance and as such follow their policies and procedures which have all been re-written ahead of the re-vamped curriculum that becomes effective this September. This means ditching all of our current policies and installing in their place these new ones.

But each policy has to be read through and amended to reflect the practices that are actually carried out and are relevant to our pre-school. Well the day started off pretty well and I seemed to be powering through them but things slowed down significantly this afternoon as I tackled some of the longer and more in depth policies. Yesterday I had downloaded 104 new documents and I would guess that as of this evening I have completed about 50 of them!! In an ideal world I'd hoped to get them all completed today but as that hasn't happened I will have to accept that they will get done as and when I have the chance and that as long as they are all updated for September we will be fine.

But we did manage a walk out at lunchtime, and as the weather was a little damp today we went out armed with umbrella's but the only time we used them was walking under trees as the wind blew. But our slightly damp and blustery walk saw us manage 2.45 miles in 46 minutes.

A little after lunch I took Molly out for another drive; the insurance she had taken out on my car ran out this evening so we wanted to make the most of it. 

And around all that it was making coffee, keeping on top of laundry (again!) and pre-school work. But as we reached the end of the working day we had Molly's boyfriend arrive for the weekend and Simon finished work for two weeks! Now what shall we do?!

Well, I shall see you tomorrow and let you know.

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