Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Work and New Restrictions

Day 188...

So today was my first working day of the week and it was a pretty standard sort of work day. Plenty of admin, banking and emails to contend with.

I have managed to secure the staff at pre-school with a first aid course, which as childcare workers has to be a paediatric first aid course that we must take every three years. The course is a 12 hour course and usually involves 2 days in a conference room somewhere practicing bandages on each other and using resuscitation equipment. As you can imagine the thought of sitting in a room of strangers for 12 hours was not what any of us wanted to do, never mind the sharing of resuscitation equipment. But we have found a company where we can work through 6 hours of the course online at our own pace followed by a 6 hour Zoom workshop with the training company sending out the resuscitation equipment to us beforehand. So not only will we be training with just ourselves but we will be able to ensure everything we need to touch has been well and truly sanitised!

I think this just goes to show that despite the current situation companies can adapt their traditional way of doing things and come up with new and innovative approaches, and perhaps new ways of doing things that may stay with us long after this pandemic is controlled. It is much nicer that our team can undertake the training all at once, together and with no need to travel anywhere and all the complexities that that can bring. Maybe we have a new way forward emerging from all of this?

Once I was home, and changed, I decided to enjoy a coffee outside in the sunshine while the weather is still nice and almost summer like as the forecast for the rest of the week is for temperatures to drop to more autumnal levels!

Some of my new storage systems had arrived today so I have been able to re-organise one of my food cupboards so that all my spices and herbs are much neater and much more easy to find. I was also able to re-organise my make-up as well and I think I am probably due a bit of a clear-out as I am sure most of my eye-shadow palettes are probably a lot older than I think. Maybe it's time to throw a few out and invest in some new ones!!!

Because we received parcels today that did mean that one job this evening was to sort through all the packaging and salvage what I could so that I can now start my next round of Ebay sales safe in the knowledge that I can send them out securely. 

And I suppose the news of today is the new restrictions that the UK government is bringing in from later this week to help control the Coronavirus and hopefully get the infection rate back under control. For us, personally, it doesn't make a lot of difference; both Simon and Ethan are still working from home and there is no indication that is going to change anytime soon, Molly has her Shutter Studios venture up and running from home and I will still be going to work as education and childcare is remaining open.

Pubs will now be shutting at 10pm and must operate as table service only (I thought they were doing this anyway) and shop workers and taxi drivers must now wear masks, all along with tougher fines being introduced. 

Well, I will carry on as I have been doing; think carefully about where I want to go, only go out if I have to, keep my distance as much as I can, wash my hands and of course wear a mask. Let's hope everyone else can do the same.

Take care out there,

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