Friday, 21 August 2020

Day 156

Day 156...

Well I had very good intentions today of focusing all my attention on the pile of 'stuff' that I had organised yesterday and posting the first few pieces online for sale but that didn't quite work out as I planned!

First on the agenda this morning was an unexpected work related call which as you would expect had a few knock-on effects on my plans first thing. After I logged onto my work email I then found more work to complete and before I knew it it was time for me to down tools and set off to our 'other house' to meet another estate agent.

Another lovely person and offering almost identical service to the agent I saw yesterday so my intention was to spend the afternoon looking over paperwork to weigh up the pros and cons of each before making a decision, but that was not to be.

Once home I found some physical mail had arrived and in one envelope I had three registration forms for new starters at pre-school. This then meant an afternoon of emails back and forth with the new parents, updating all the various spreadsheets I use, updating various services that we use with their information, working out start dates, initial update dates, revised staffing and producing all our relevant documentation and before I knew it the afternoon had just disappeared and I felt physically drained.

And while I have no real issue completing work for pre-school but when it takes up almost a full day when I am technically on 'holiday' it can be a smidge irritating!

So at about 6pm I stopped and indulged in moving some pieces about my jigsaw and spent way longer on it than I had intended but I guess I probably needed the distraction.

And there is my day done and dusted...hopefully tomorrow I can actually make some progress on the pile of 'stuff ' to sell as well as make a decision about the letting of our 'other house'!

Take care out there, whatever you may be doing...keep your distance, wash your hands and wear a mask.

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