Thursday 17 December 2020

Last Day of School

Day 274...

Today was our last day of school for this term and for 2020. We should have been open tomorrow but our government advised that today should be the last day and to take tomorrow as what we refer to as an inset day.

So I had a slightly better nights sleep last night only waking at 4am and dropping back off about half an hour before the alarm went off! But up and into work for the last day.

The day was taken up with the end of term admin, amendments to registers, updating banking and just generally tidying things ready for a new term in the new year.

We (and when I saw we I mean my amazing team) had the job of clearing our room ready for a fresh start in January. We needed to take down and pack away the Christmas decorations as well as organise all our equipment so that when we return we are in a position to move everything into our new storage units. 

And talking of new storage units we have today successfully erected the first of our flat packed container units. Our contractor has done a great job so far and after grabbing a couple of us this morning to move a rather heavy base section he commented that he may attempt putting the roof on today. Now we were expecting the installation of roofs to happen tomorrow and were anticipating the need of extra help in order to lift the section up and onto the part built body of the unit.

I contacted Simon to see if he would be available at all today and thankfully he was happy to oblige. I also chatted with Molly to see if she could help as well as I know how strong she is and she just loves getting her hands dirty. By mid-afternoon we were ready for a roof to go into place so Simon and Molly were called to pop down and lend a hand or two. Well I was blown away as no sooner than they had arrived the roof was the great surprise of us definitely was a case of an extra couple of pair of hands made the job so much easier. We are now all set to hopefully get the second unit erected tomorrow and hopefully a path laid as well.

Once home I took some time to complete some work social media posts as well as update some of our internal records which leaves me in a good position for tomorrow and the completion of the end of term accounts! Although today was the last day of children being in pre-school I will be back there tomorrow to look after our chap doing the outdoor work as well as use the time to complete the accounts and sign off on our Autumn term and the end of schooling for 2020.

And then as I started to write today's post I came across the sad news that actor Jeremy Bulloch had passed way today. Jeremy played the Boba Fett character in the original Star Wars trilogy and we had the good fortune a few years back to meet him at a comic con where we were trooping with the Mandalorian Mercs.

He was a lovely, lovely gentleman who took the time to chat with us and insisted that we didn't pay for his autograph because we were Mandalorians just like him, instead he signed the inside of our helmets. It is a memory that we both cherish and I know that he was so loved within the Star Wars community and will be very sadly missed.

And that is where I will leave it today...tell those you love that you love them and hold them close.

Take care,

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