Saturday, 26 December 2020

Boxing Day

Day 283...

And it was Boxing Day here in the UK, the day to recover from too much food and drink the day before!

Today would usually have been a day for perhaps visiting people that we had not seen yesterday but obviously this year it has been a quiet affair.

A late start to the day followed by a lazy day of coffee and jigsaw for me while Simon tinkered with his R2D2 build.

Later this afternoon we spent a couple of hours watching the latest Pixar movie Soul, which was just beautiful. I loved it and I cried...maybe that's because I'm a hormonally challenged woman and a big softy or maybe it's simply the power of a Pixar movie. 

The rest of the day has been more TV, more jigsaw and more food!

I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the holidays the best way they can. Take care out there.


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