Well today has been another relatively quiet day at home...obviously!
The morning was spent catching up with some house chores and then helping Molly do some research for her business venture, Shutter Studios. She is hoping to get some of her designs created as prints along with a few other ideas.
Simon has spent most of the day sanding as he had a stack of 3D printed parts for the R2D2 and mouse droid he is currently building to work through.
We did manage a walk out early afternoon and managed just under 3 miles in about an hour. I had hoped to do one of our longer walks today but unfortunately I have managed to hurt my left ankle. Yesterday on our walk I climbed over a stile and as I stepped down with my left foot first I either came down a little heavy or landed on some uneven ground and although it hurt when I did it I was able to still walk okay but by yesterday evening it was feeling sore. So as it was still a little sore this morning I decided to use a support bandage and to keep to a shorted walk and one where we had less uneven ground to walk over.
While Simon carried on with more sanding this afternoon I took some time to get a little more reading done and made some more progress through Ted Naiman's The P:E Diet while sat outside soaking up some more vitamin D.
So all in all a very chilled out day before we go 'back to work' tomorrow. I have been watching the news and keeping up with all the talk about more children going back to school and how this lockdown is gradually easing and I have to admit I am still at a loss as to why any of that is happening. We still have thousands of new cases per day and hundreds of deaths so why should we now all go to our local outdoor market, or queue for miles to get into an Ikea, or meet up with friends who we have to stay 2 metres apart from? I just don't get it!
We have seen the photos of packed beaches, heard the reports of groups of people gathering who very evidently are not from the same household and are all sat too close together along with stories of full car parks at beauty spots being left with trash everywhere and I just don't understand the mentality. The virus is still here, we have no real treatment and we have no vaccine but all of a sudden we just go to the beach?!! Well I am staying put, I will do my bit and just hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel, but I fear we are in a rather long and dark tunnel.
Take care,
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