Monday, 26 October 2020

Monday - Day 222

Day 222...

Here's another Monday and it started as most of my Mondays start with a trip to my supermarket of choice to collect our weekly grocery shopping. 

After the groceries had been put away we decided to go out for a walk over the fields. Although the weather was dry the ground was definitely not and was decidedly squelchy at times! But we plodded on and managed about three miles in about an hour.

We have decided that if we are going to continue on our walks around where we live through the Autumn and Winter we will probably need to invest in some decent walking shoes or boots. Thankfully I currently wear an old pair of trainers so it doesn't matter what state they get in to, but as of this evening they are still drying out from todays little adventure!

After lunch Simon looked at a couple of art commissions that had come his way over the weekend before nipping out for his annual eye-test. He swapped to contact lenses last year and prefers them to glasses but this was just a check to see if his prescription needed changing. Thankfully no real change needed but two hours spent in a busy opticians didn't sound like a great experience. He commented that the staff were doing the best they could but trying to keep socially distanced in a busy shop was by all accounts rather stressful.

I spent the afternoon re-organising the pile of items I am trying to sell online along with all the boxes we have held onto to re-use as packaging. I was fed up of falling over everything so had a good sort through and can now reach a cupboard that had been blocked before!

Molly has been creative today, not only has she been sorting through all the photos that she took yesterday but she found a few minutes to have a go at making chocolate covered Mickey apples...
The day was rounded out with playing taxi service for Molly as she had her kickboxing class early evening before settling down with a nice glass of red.

So we have heard today that the city eight miles away will be going into Tier 3 lockdown restrictions later this week but for the time being where we are will stay in Tier 2. Not really sure what that means, I think Tier 3 means that you can't mix with anyone else outside of your household and pubs can only open if they serve 'substantial' meals...whatever that means. Like I've said numerous times before I think we all have to proceed through life as best we can, risk assessing what we want to do, how to do it and whether we feel comfortable doing it. 

Take care out there, stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance and wear a mask.

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