Thursday, 29 October 2020

Day 225

Day 225...

Another relatively quiet day today.

Started with a trip to my supermarket of choice to collect a grocery order as we've decided to have a few treats over the weekend in lieu of a Halloween party.

Next job of the day was to tackle the mountain of ironing that seemed to have accumulated, so while not very exciting there was a sense of accomplishment when it was all done.

Just after lunchtime I jumped online to chat with my good friend and fellow Disney Dream Girl, Michelle. It was, as always, just nice to catch-up with Michelle but we also managed to record two shows; one to come out this coming Sunday and another for our Patreon subscribers.

While I was busy recording Molly had taken over the kitchen and made a start on this years pumpkin carvings; and I think she's done an amazing job!

Later on Molly and I took another little trip out, I had a few items that I needed to drop off at pre-school ahead of our return next week and Molly had a USB drive to take to my sister-in-law's full of photos from her photoshoot at the weekend...think she had whittled it down to 130 photos!!

Then I indulged a little this afternoon with some 'me time', just sat watching a bit of TV, which I very rarely do but am trying to do more of.

As the evening drew in it was time to see Molly's pumpkin carvings in full effect; how awesome do these look?!

Stay safe out there, wash your hands, keep your distance and wear a mask.

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