Well yet again I battled with blogger for about 5 minutes trying to get my little cartoon image to appear on the page where I wanted it. Think I may have figured it out though as when adding the picture it seems to add a hyperlink at the same time...removed the hyperlink and all seems fine...get me with figuring out this technology thing!
I must give a shout out to Simon for designing all the graphics that I use on this site, from the header to various icon images that have been designed to tie into whatever the theme of the post.
After a slow start to the day we kind of pottered about the house. Simon had more work to do on his droid projects and a massive 24 hour 3D print just finished this morning. I was sorting out some paperwork that had arrived yesterday and then updating my grocery shop for collection tomorrow.
It was one of Molly's best friends birthdays today so we popped out to drop off presents and a card; we spent a little while chatting out on the street while maintaining social distancing at all times. And while it was lovely to chat with people we haven't seen in ages we all expressed our concern at the way the UK is handling this pandemic and we were all convinced that lockdown seems to be easing rather quick and there is going to be a 'second wave'.
It all feels very doom and gloom at the moment. The government announcement today was all about getting professional sports up and running again but behind closed doors. Now I am not a big sports fan so this meant nothing to me but as Molly quite rightly pointed out they are happy to let players, managers and support staff all mingle in close proximity to each other but us, the general public, can only meet up to 6 other people...outside...keeping 2 metres apart...not sharing any utensils and if you have to use someone else's bathroom facilities then you literally 'enter at your own risk'.
I have a daughter who has not seen her boyfriend in about 12 weeks now, and I know she is not alone, so announcing footballers can see and touch each other really is a kick in the teeth. Her fella's phone has started playing up today and I can see how stressed she is because that's their only mode of communicating, they 'text' all the time and 'face time' every day. He lives 200 miles away so they can't even meet up to be distanced from each other - this sucks big time.
It has been another glorious day today and that will have encouraged people to go off to the parks and the beaches and social distancing will not have been obeyed and where will that leave us all? Do we end up with a second wave hitting us in a couple of weeks and be forced back into lock down? Will people follow a second lockdown if that does happen? Would it still not be better to knuckle down now, keep the lockdown going for a little while longer to get topside of this thing? Give chance for the R rate to drop lower before we start opening up again?
Maybe my brain is too simplistic - stick it out a little longer, get the R rate lower and then ease out of it. Perhaps I am not aware of some vital piece of information that makes coming out of lockdown okay. Maybe the government need to be open and honest and transparent about what is happening and perhaps admit that one of their own messed up big time, that he should be fired and then we can all focus on what's important...saving lives...rather than trying to distract everyone from a story they want to go away and won't. We have as many people dying today as when we went into lockdown on 23rd March - so what's changed? What is different now that says a lockdown is not needed as much?
I maybe being a little flippant with all of this but the messages coming out of the government are not clear and concise they are a bit grey and woolly and widely open to interpretation and abuse. Fingers crossed I am wrong in all of this but I fear I am not.
Please take care, stay safe
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