Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Day 636

Day 636...

And we have a Tuesday and we have had a full day in work for me as I was covering another member of staff this afternoon.

It was a pretty standard sort of day at work, lots of admin, banking and meetings but I managed to achieve quite a lot so was happy with the day. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow at work as we have our Christmas concert!!

Once home I had a few parcels to sort through that had arrived today which were all Christmas presents and then I needed to go through some of my emails and get on top of a couple of outstanding ones.

At the end of the working day it was time to head down our gym for a weights workout.

And that was pretty much my day...have I mentioned we got our new car yesterday? I've been able to drive it a bit more today...well just to and from work...but so far I'm loving it!

How sexy does this look?!

I'm still getting used to all the gadgets and settings but have managed to take advantage of being able to pre-set the climate control so that when I got into the car this morning it was lovely and warm!

See you on the morrow.

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