Thursday, 5 May 2022

Day 778

Day 778...

After yesterday's Star Wars Day it meant that today was, of course, Revenge of the Fifth (aka Sith!).

But whatever the day it was another full and busy day in work for me. I spent the day covering for a member of staff who is off at the moment and so have found myself back in full working mode after a few weeks where I had started to take a step back in readiness for finishing at the end of the month.

The trip home involved a quick detour to our local Lidl to pick up some fresh essentials before arriving home to a freshly brewed coffee and a couple of letters from the solicitors. Finally things are starting to move forwards with the winding up of my dads estate and while it is still slow going it was good to get some official paperwork through!

I then had to go and rescue a parcel that had been mis-delivered. The wonderful company that is now called Evri (previously Hermes) are living up to their reputation of being ever so unreliable! Thankfully this parcel was addressed correctly and it just so happened that the house it was delivered to recognised my surname. Although the house is across the main road from where we live the person that now lives there had children that went to the same school as my children and we had been acquainted over the years. They recognised my name and reached out via Facebook! Had they not have done that then goodness knows what would have happened to my parcel!

By the end of the day we had time for a quick gym session before settling down for the evening.

See you tomorrow,

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