Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Day 700

Day 700...

Well we have had a Tuesday and a Tuesday at home as I can not go anywhere for the next few days at the very least.

The isolation rules for me at the moment are that I am allowed out of covid jail once I have two negative tests from day 5 onwards, or reach day 10, whichever happens first. All crossed that I test negative sooner rather than later!!

But it hasn't stopped me today as I have been able to work from home. I had lots of plans for work this week that relied on me being in actual work but those plans will now have to wait until another week. So I have managed to produce and issue this months invoices, arrange training courses, update the broadband contract, deal with emails, liaise with my deputy in work and added things to my to do list as quickly as I crossed things off! In fact I probably did more work than I would have done on a normal Tuesday!

Later this afternoon while there was still some daylight I made a bit more progress on my latest jigsaw which is recreation of the London Underground map. So lots of lines of different colours which I thought were going to be tricky but have actually gone together quite well. Although I am now left with lots of white and pale grey pieces with bits of small typeface on them that I think could prove interesting!

Once Simon had finished work for the day we headed down 'our gym'; the benefit of the gym being our garage means that covid jail isn't going to stop me from working out. I was really pleased with my efforts tonight as I was able to use my heaviest weight for more sets than I've previously managed and I completed some kettle bell exercises that I haven't bothered with for a while just to mix things up. Simon was also able to put the new resistance bands and fixing points through their paces with great success.

So as far as covid goes for me it's a bit of a cold...a runny nose and the most annoying thing is that it's affecting my sinus (which is always the case when I get a cold!). And if it was any other time it wouldn't be enough of a cold to keep me home, or keep me off work. But because this cold has a name I am now prisoner to a set of rules that we have never introduced before for any other cold or flu virus, never mind something that has a lower death rate than seasonal flu!

See you all tomorrow.

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