Friday, 5 April 2013

Now & Then...Part Three

So here is part three in a series of posts comparing WDW through photos taken during our various visits over the years; focusing on our first visit in 1991 and our most recent visit some twenty years later in 2011, with a few extra photos thrown in from 1996 - the year we stayed in a Disney Resort hotel for the first time.

This post will look at what was once Disney's MGM Studios and is now Disney's Hollywood Studios.  So we start in front of The Great Movie Ride (let's play spot the obvious difference!)

Anyone seen Roger Rabbit?





So, apart from the obvious blue hat, the only real changes in these photos appears to be the greenery and that's about it.

This park has seen some changes over the years, I still lament the loss of the animation studio, but I think there is potential here for new additions...Star Wars Land (I would have one happy husband if this ever happened!)....Carsland....

Oh the possibilities...I think this is what keeps us coming back to Disney parks time and time again; the changes how ever subtle, the improvements, the attention to detail, the story, the desire to do things well and get it right, whilst at the same time retaining the familiarity that brings back the memories and feelings that we hold close.

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