Thursday 21 May 2020

Day 64

Day 64...

So today has been another heavy workload day. There has been more reading of government documents, responding to local council emails, tracking down useful documents, emailing staff, emailing committee, emailing our parents and finally completing our risk assessment...a long, very involved risk assessment!

We did manage our usual walk out at lunchtime completing a couple of miles in about 40 minutes. We took the reverse route of our walk from yesterday which did mean we had to tackle a rather steep hill upwards which we always forget about until it's there in front of us!

But it has been another gorgeous, sunny day and I did make a point of taking a coffee outside this afternoon to chill away from the keyboard and take just a few moments to unwind. I even managed a little workout later on and actually joined Molly and Simon down 'the gym' for a change.

But otherwise that's been and gym!

And after a couple of glasses of red wine I think I will leave it there!

See you tomorrow,

Take care,

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